Shalimar Neem Guard
Shalimar Neem Guard contains extracts of garlic, turmeric, lemon grass and neem oil. This product not only eradicates pests but also has an anti-feedant oviposition deterrent. Neem Guard is an excellent substitute for chemical pesticides. Neem Guard prevents and controls Aternaia, Botryis, Downy, Powdery Mildew, Rsts, Phytothora, Anthracnose, White flies, Thrips, Leafminers, Beetles, Aphids Borers, Caterpillars, Bollworms, White Ants, Red Palm Weevils, Mealy Bugs, Nematodes and Termites. It is an effective miticide, suffocating eggs, killing adults and gives a fast knockdown of mite species in contact.
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