Disper CaB Best for Boron & Calcium Deficiencies
Calcium is essential to maintain the rigidity of the tissues, because it is part of the protopectin, a cementing agent that maintains the cells united. It also has an important role in the regulation of the osmotic pressure of cells, in the mitotic division and in the growth of meristems. On the other hand boron contributes to the synthesis of membrane and cell wall, as in union with calcium, it also conform part of these structures. It is an indispensable element in moments of cell division therefore it is essential in the process of fruit setting. The lack of these elements causes several problems in fruits (necrosis, rots, deformations, cracking, low size) which seriously affect to harvest and crop quality.
Disper CaB best for boron & calcium deficiencies is formulated in Granules totally soluble in water with Fluid Bed technology (WSG-FB), of easy manipulation, being able to be used in all types of irrigation or pulverization systems, since they are free of powder and do not form lumps.
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