Brown Fish Hydrolysate Bio Fertilizer "77% Organic Matter" 4Ltr
Brown Fish Hydrolysate Bio Fertilizer "77% Organic Matter" 4Ltr is made from fresh rainbow trout grown in the cool, pristine waters that flow through the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains. The Native Americans who lived here hundreds of years ago knew that fish were an amazing source of nutrients that plants needed.
Chemical fertilizers have devastating effects on our soil’s health as well as the nutrition of our food. Brown’s Organic Fish Hydrolysate is very different from these health-stripping, chemical fertilizers. We know that healthy soil structure is the most important factor of long-term gardening and growing, and that is what we strive to give our growers. The continued application of Brown’s Fish Hydrolysate actually brings the nutrients back into the soil and makes the soil come to life. The microorganisms in the soil, being nourished and well fed, provide the necessary nutrients to grow healthy and productive plants.
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